Why I'm going to stop trying to be a normal human

I had two big realizations recently. The first is this: all of this time that I've been living with mental illness, I was under the assumption that I would be cured someday. Cured of depression, anxiety, trichotillomania, and everything else I live with. I thought it was all just a sickness (like coming down with the flu), and if I found the right combination of medications and participated in the right combination of therapies, I would eventually be fixed and function like a normal human someday. But then, it hit me: what if I can't be cured? What if my mental illness is not like a sickness, but something inside me that is permanently broken—something that will always be a part of my life? What if I'm broken in a way that can't be completely fixed?

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Mental illness comic round-up

There have been some awesome comics about mental illness that have popped up in my news feeds lately, so I thought I'd share them with you all. I share them because sometimes having visuals like these brings a new level of meaning or depth to a story (especially when dealing with a subject that is seemingly intangible). These comics have done that for me. Click on the images to see the comics in their entirety.

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Mental illness in the news

I didn't feel much like writing this week...life has been busy, and the slowly darkening days have exhausted my brain quite a bit. But, instead of not posting anything, I wanted to share this video from John Oliver tangentially-related to the shooting at Umqua Community College. I'm sure many of you have already seen it but, for those who haven't, it's a concise and informative look at the mental health care system in our country. Of course, since it's from HBO, there is some adult content mentioned, so consider yourself warned and whatnot. It also contains humor.

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